Responsible AI: 5 steps businesses should take now

February 27, 2024

The buzz from the World Economic Forum in Davos is still palpable, and one theme dominated the conversation: Responsible AI. The newly published AI Governance Alliance briefing papers highlights the critical need for safe systems, responsible applications, and robust governance in the deployment of AI.

It's clear that trust is the essential ingredient for successful AI adoption. This trust is crucial to fully harnessing the potential of generative AI, arguably the most transformative technology of our generation. As consumers encounter these disruptive solutions that feel like magic, natural skepticism is expected. Earning that trust from the outset is more important than ever, as regaining it after a loss will be an uphill battle.

Building Trust

The Three Pillars of Building Trust in AI Systems by Digital Bricks

We've established that trust is the key of successful AI adoption. But how do we earn that trust? At Digital Bricks we believe there is three pillars that build trust in any system, let's see how they apply to the world of AI.

1. Ability: Walking the Walk, Not Just Talking the Talk

Imagine being wowed by a fancy new self-driving car at a tech expo, only to find it struggling to navigate a real-world parking lot. That's the gap between promising potential and real-world ability. AI systems that overhype their capabilities and under-deliver will erode trust faster than you can say "system error."

To gain trust, AI needs to focus on solving real-world problems and delivering tangible value. This means:

  • Identifying the right problems to tackle: Don't shoehorn AI where it doesn't belong.
  • Fueling with quality data: Garbage in, garbage out – high-quality data is essential for accurate results.
  • Seamless integration: Make AI work seamlessly within existing workflows, not disrupt them.
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement: Ensure AI systems stay relevant and deliver consistently.

2. Benevolence: AI for Good, Not for Harm

AI shouldn't just be impressive, it should also be beneficial. If it doesn't contribute positively to society, businesses, and individuals, it won't be embraced. Here's where the double challenge lies:

Implementing for Positive Impact:

  • Responsible use: Enterprises must actively avoid harmful applications, ensuring fair treatment of diverse groups, respecting intellectual property, and minimizing environmental impact.
  • Supporting displaced workers: As AI evolves, there will be job displacement. Businesses must help affected workers transition smoothly to new opportunities.

Preventing Malicious Use:

  • Validating providers and content: Ensure you're working with legitimate actors and genuine AI solutions.
  • Combatting AI-powered attacks: We need proactive measures to prevent malicious use of AI, such as securing digital channels and moderating content effectively.

3. Integrity: Building Trustworthy Systems

For decades, we've relied on secure and reliable digital services. When it comes to AI, we need the same level of trust. This brings us to integrity:

Imagine piecing together a puzzle, but some pieces are missing and others don't quite fit. That's what happens with point-to-point AI development, where each project uses its own data and approach, leading to inconsistencies and vulnerabilities.

To build system integrity, we need:

  • Transparency: Users deserve to understand how AI works and why it makes certain decisions.
  • Performance: AI systems need to be reliable and consistently deliver accurate results.
  • Security: Protecting user data and preventing unauthorized access is crucial.
  • Privacy: User privacy must always be respected and protected.
  • Quality: Building high-quality, well-governed AI systems from the ground up is key to maintaining trust.

By focusing on these three pillars of trust – ability, benevolence, and integrity – we can create AI solutions that are not only impressive, but also responsible, beneficial, and trustworthy. This paves the way for a future where AI empowers individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.

The Road to Responsible AI: Collaboration, Education, and Action

Building a foundation for responsible AI requires more than just understanding the principles. It's a collaborative effort across sectors, industries, and individuals to navigate the challenges and adopt new practices. While the issues may seem daunting, proactive action is crucial.

Remember, the world of AI is rapidly evolving. Competitors are actively implementing these powerful tools, employees might resort to unvetted solutions, and malicious actors constantly seek vulnerabilities. We can't afford to wait for others to solve these problems.

At Digital Bricks, we are helping to businesses adopt AI responsibly through our consultancy and educational services. Helping them implement systems and provide the right training for its users, we believe enterprises need to act now in five areas:

1. Unified Leadership and Accountability:

Responsible AI thrives on clear vision and shared responsibility. Make AI a C-suite priority, encouraging collaboration across all departments. Leadership teams should actively engage in discussions surrounding responsible AI, identifying opportunities, establishing governance frameworks, addressing potential threats, and assigning clear accountabilities.

2. Standardise and Mitigate Risks:

Develop a robust governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) framework to standardize responsible practices and systematically monitor AI activity. This framework should encompass the entire AI ecosystem, including training data, models, application use cases, potential human impact, and security considerations.

3. Establish a Center of Expertise:

Centralize responsibility and create a dedicated center of excellence (COE) for AI. This centralizes scarce expertise, ensuring consistent oversight and providing a cohesive view for leadership, regulators, partners, developers, and employees.

4. Companywide Capability and Awareness:

Establish company-wide understanding of AI's capabilities, limitations, and potential risks. Educate all employees on the principles of responsible AI, your organization's specific vision, and the established governance processes. Provide targeted training and coaching to equip select employee groups with the necessary expertise to actively participate in developing and utilizing AI solutions responsibly.

5. Codify Responsible Practices:

AI's pervasive nature necessitates accessible tools and data to empower teams to build trustworthy solutions efficiently. Consider implementing an AI platform that facilitates the sharing and reuse of assets, integrates effective risk management practices, and promotes transparency for all stakeholders.

By implementing these five key elements, organisations can operationalise their commitment to responsible AI and establish a solid foundation for ethical and trustworthy execution of their AI initiatives. We at Digital Bricks believe this is an urgent priority for every organisation interacting with AI, either through adoption or exposure to potential threats.

Additionally, we recognize the vital role of continuous learning and education in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of AI. We actively engage in ongoing research, development, and industry collaboration to stay at the forefront of responsible AI practices and share our knowledge through workshops, training programs, and leadership initiatives.

By working together, fostering understanding, and taking decisive action, we can pave the way for a future where AI benefits individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.

If you are interested in a Digital Bricks 'AI in a Day' workshop, tailored learning initiatives or company-wide video module access for your business or team, contact us here or send an email enquire to for your free consultation.