How to harness the power of AI for better jobs.

December 26, 2023

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the global labor landscape, fundamentally altering work methodologies and job structures. As highlighted in the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023, AI adoption by organizations worldwide is leading to a dichotomy. A notable 49% of surveyed industries anticipate AI as a catalyst for job creation, while 23% foresee potential job displacement. This transformative shift doesn't solely imply job elimination but signifies a profound evolution in roles, demanding a recalibration of skill sets for the workforce.

In the comprehensive WEF white paper, "Jobs of Tomorrow: Large Language Models and Jobs," an intricate analysis examines how Large Language Models (LLMs) might influence various tasks and professions. Roles focused on critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity—particularly in STEM fields—stand to benefit significantly from augmentation. Conversely, positions emphasizing routine linguistic tasks, such as bank tellers and data entry clerks, could encounter automation.

The integration of generative AI into the workforce elicits diverse reactions. While there's anticipation for substantial productivity improvements and the emergence of new roles, concerns persist about potential job displacement, deepening socioeconomic inequalities, and fostering workforce insecurities. However, recent findings from the LinkedIn US Executive Confidence Index Survey in June 2023 paint a more optimistic picture: 47% of executives foresee generative AI enhancing productivity, with 44% planning to expand AI utilization in the upcoming year. Moreover, Microsoft's 2023 Work Trend Index reveals a similar sentiment, indicating that 70% of individuals are willing to delegate tasks to AI to ease their workloads.

The challenge inherently rests in aligning the potential of generative AI with the disruptions it brings. Organizations face the imperative to adopt novel talent management strategies, facilitating the smooth transition of workers into new roles and innovative work methodologies. This demands substantial investment in reskilling and upskilling initiatives to equip the workforce for burgeoning roles and enticing new talents for expanding job markets. Businesses adept at integrating generative AI seamlessly are poised to gain a definitive competitive edge.

As discussions on AI's implications for the workforce gain momentum, industry leaders grapple with ways to harness its potential effectively. They aim to leverage AI not only for advancing business objectives but also for nurturing their workforce through this transformative phase.

AI and People Skills: Pivotal Currency in the Future Workplace

Picture a work landscape where seamless collaboration between people and machines elevates productivity and sparks creativity, all empowered by artificial intelligence (AI). This isn't a distant vision; it's the current reality reshaping the quintessential skills crucial for workplace success.

LinkedIn's commitment over two decades has centered on fostering professional connections and nurturing growth. Analyzing insights from over 950 million professionals globally, they unveiled a transformative shift driven by AI. The research underscores an evolving labor landscape where technical prowess and interpersonal abilities are intrinsically linked and represent the currency steering the future of work. Key revelations include:

Global job skill requirements have evolved by 25% since 2015, and AI is poised to accelerate this shift, with expectations of at least a 65% transformation by 2030.AI-focused skills, notably in machine learning, are witnessing a skyrocketing demand.

English-language job postings on LinkedIn referencing AI technologies like ChatGPT have surged by 21 times since November 2022. This surge extends beyond job listings; our members are rapidly acquiring AI skills. As of June 2023, AI-skilled members have multiplied ninefold since January 2016, globally.
AI skills are transcending tech domains, permeating diverse industries and catalyzing AI technology adoption across the economy.
Concurrently, there's a significant upsurge in the demand for people-centric skills. Data highlighted a resurgence in soft skills like communication and flexibility. Notably, 72% of US executives prioritize these skills over AI proficiency for organizational value.

The symbiotic synergy between AI and people skills is transformative. AI empowers professionals to focus on uniquely human aspects—nurturing creative thinking, empathetic communication, and collaborative problem-solving—while acting as a work facilitator. This dynamic underscores the escalating importance of people skills in the modern workplace.

The evolving job landscape mandates professionals to embrace AI while emphasizing a skills-centric approach, continuously honing both technical and people skills to stay competitive in an ever-evolving job market.

Businesses eyeing success in the future of work recognize the criticality of a balanced workforce, adept in both AI and people skills. Cultivating an environment valuing emotional intelligence, creativity, and adaptability alongside technical acumen unleashes the workforce's full potential in the era of AI, fostering agility, resilience, and innovation.

The undeniable impact of AI in workplaces heralds a future with enhanced job prospects. The surge in AI-related skill demand, coupled with a resurgence in people-centric skills, paints a future where a fusion of technical mastery and human-centered attributes defines triumph.

At this pivotal juncture, shaping a future work ethos that's not only efficient but also human-centered, fulfilling, and inclusive stands within our reach.

Inclusivity and Reskilling: Paving the Path for AI-Driven Jobs of the Future

The domain of AI-driven technologies holds immense potential, coupled with an imperative responsibility to deploy them judiciously for a seamless workforce transition. The importance of inclusivity and reskilling stands as a cornerstone for preparing individuals for the forthcoming landscape of AI-powered jobs. This is especially crucial in empowering marginalized communities, a pivotal opportunity that Digital Bricks advocates.

The significance of inclusivity can't be overstated. Research consistently showcases the substantial benefits for organizations leveraging diverse perspectives, backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences to innovate products or services, leading to higher success probabilities.

In today's 'age of AI', projected to reach a monumental $134.8 billion AI software market by 2025, ensuring AI development teams mirror the diversity of our world becomes critical. Lack of diversity among AI developers might inadvertently magnify biases and exclude significant demographic segments. These underrepresented groups often lack access to resources for engaging with rapidly evolving technologies, creating flaws or injustices in AI systems.

However, the risks of AI mustn't overshadow its transformative potential—digital inclusion. It acts as a bridge to address historical wealth disparities based on race, ethnicity, and gender by fostering contributions from a wider array of individuals. Achieving digital inclusion involves robust reskilling initiatives, driving AI to transcend societal biases and favoritisms. Inclusive AI models serve as a conduit to narrow wealth gaps, creating a more equitable world.

Anticipating that a quarter of all jobs will evolve over the next five years due to AI's rise, with 44% of workers needing upskilling/reskilling, Digital Bricks aligns its vision with this transformative shift. Our collaboration with regional social organizations aims to foster inclusivity and accessibility to tech education and job opportunities.

At Digital Bricks, our commitment echoes through real-world transformations:

Gloria Jackson's participation in the '1 Million Women in Intelligent Automation' program, empowering her entrepreneurial journey in Botswana, Africa. in India, empowering rural women to train language AI models, enhancing inclusivity and improving living conditions. leveraging rural populations in Africa, driving AI deep learning through inclusive practices.

These stories exemplify the promise of inclusivity and reskilling initiatives in ushering a brighter tomorrow. It's paramount for organizations and communities to unite in advancing skilling across society segments to harness the full and equitable benefits of AI.