How to engage employees for a future ready woorkforce

January 17, 2024

The evolution of AI within job roles underscores the critical need for robust upskilling and reskilling programs. These initiatives cater to current employees seeking to adapt to evolving job demands. Institutions and specialized training providers, such as Digital Bricks, offer tailored courses and experiences focused on AI skill development. These programs ensure the workforce remains adept at handling new AI technologies and methodologies. For leaders considering implementing training initiatives, here are our recommendations.

Treat skilling as a business investment, not an expense.

Traditional approaches view skilling initiatives as learning and development costs, often yielding limited tangible outcomes despite global annual spending surpassing $300 billion in corporate education. Effective leadership perceives skilling as an investment, emphasizing measurable business, people, and learning key performance indicators (KPIs). Consider an Asian real estate firm that redefined its leadership program's objectives, aiming for a 50% faster market entry and doubling land acquisition target fulfillment by expediting decision-making.

This shift in perspective revolutionized program design, transitioning from conventional leadership workshops to immersive learning experiences. Participants received coaching on reshaping their monthly business review approach, resulting in tangible market advancements and a successful strategy cascaded through mid-level management.

"For every $1 a company invests in AI, they are realizing an average of $3.5 in return"

- Microsoft Research

Infuse learning experiences with excitement and engagement.

Conventional corporate learning often limits participants to e-modules or virtual workshops. To revolutionize learning, designers must consider how to kindle the same excitement and curiosity in adult learners that children naturally possess. Departing from standard case studies, a leading mobile phone brand in China elevated learning by involving real customers in workshops. This innovative approach debunked myths and revealed fresh business insights.

Likewise, an Indian consumer goods giant enhanced mid-level manager communication skills through selfie video analysis, fostering heightened self-awareness. Additionally, a global public sector entity utilized improvisation techniques to immerse middle managers in agile work methodologies, transitioning them from 'command-and-control' to 'autonomy-and-alignment' modes.

At Digital Bricks, our immersive, hands-on training days focus on tailored curriculums aligned with industry needs. Our expert-led sessions utilize diverse teaching methodologies—workshops, practical exercises, and open discussions—emphasizing real-world AI applications within your industry.

Engage employees as strategic collaborators

Reskilling initiatives are often perceived as disruptive forces potentially causing organizational upheaval or job transitions. Consequently, leaders may avoid open discussions regarding the purpose and opportunities linked to these programs. However, employee participation significantly hinges on their comprehension of initiative objectives and involvement in their creation. Recognizing this crucial aspect, numerous companies we've partnered with emphasized the importance of transparency and early employee involvement in the inception of their reskilling programs.

Moreover, these companies highlighted the paramount significance of early engagement with worker councils and unions throughout the design and execution phases of reskilling initiatives. Aligning with these bodies early not only establishes a collaborative framework but also garners their advocacy and participation in these programs.

Close collaboration with employees, unions, and councils not only enhances program design but also nurtures a shared ownership and commitment to these initiatives. Proactive involvement of stakeholders, from workers to union representatives, in decision-making and advocating for reskilling fosters a culture of trust, transparency, and alignment toward the shared goal of workforce development and adaptation.

Leveraging data analytics and promoting employee-driven learning is pivotal in crafting impactful learning experiences. A marriage of science and artistry, data serves as a guiding light, influencing decisions in the learning journey. Consider utilizing AI tools to analyze employee career paths, identifying skills gaps for tailored learning paths.

These AI-driven systems can map transitional pathways for groups facing job disruptions, guiding them toward new roles. Employing A/B tests for diverse learning modes allows data-driven decisions in program expansion. Continuous improvement involves assessing outcomes using leading and lagging indicators, refining skilling efforts ongoingly.

Upskilling, often seen as something done 'to' the workforce, actually aligns with employees' proactive learning intent. Global talent reports indicate 68% of workers worldwide are open to retraining for evolving job landscapes. Empowering individuals to steer their reskilling journeys implies providing adaptable resources, supportive environments, and suitable tools.

Collaborating with specialists like Digital Bricks is crucial. Partnering with organizations fostering tailored learning experiences becomes imperative in today's dynamic workplace. Equipping employees with flexible resources and tools enhances their ability to navigate reskilling effectively.

At Digital Bricks, we empower experts to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Beyond hands-on sessions, we offer ongoing support, resources, and access to materials to reinforce learning.

Want to discover more about our training days and continuous learning programs? Reach out to us at